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2024 National Elections

By Mike Lynch
Contributing Author
Nominations & Elections Committee publishes the Elections Procedures Schedule
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USA Dance 2024 National Elections Procedures Schedule

Dear Member:

The Nominations & Elections Committee (N&EC) is pleased to publish the following USA Dance 2024 National Elections Procedures Schedule for all interested candidates seeking election in November 2024 as a National Officer or DanceSport Delegate of USA Dance.

A member of USA Dance in good standing, subject to qualifications in the Bylaws, may seek election to one of the following National Officer and DanceSport Delegate positions:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Vice President (VP) for Social Dance
  • VP for DanceSport Ballroom Division
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 1 – Senior gender identify as male or non-binary
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 2 – Adult gender identify as female or non-binary
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 3 – Adult gender identify as male or non-binary
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 4 – Adult gender identify as female or non-binary
  • DanceSport Breaking Delegates1 – Bboy
  • DanceSport Breaking Delegate 2 – Bboy
  • DanceSport Breaking Delegate 3 – Bgirl

April 3, 2024, is the deadline for interested candidates to submit an electronic copy of their National Candidate Confirmation Form, indicating the USA Dance position being sought. This must include their Term of Office Acknowledgement and the candidate signature portion of the Nomination By Petition Form. These forms should be sent to the National Elections Director,

May 1, 2024, is the deadline for interested candidates to submit an electronic copy of their resume, photo, and personal statement (no more than 500 words) describing their reasons for running for election. This must include proof of attainment of the minimum number of signatures on the Nomination By Petition Form from USA Dance members who are in good standing and eligible to vote for the position. A member of USA Dance in good standing may sign more than one Nomination By Petition form for a position in which they are eligible to vote. These documents should be sent to the National Elections Director, The minimum number of signatures are set by position, as follows:

  • President and Secretary will require a minimum of 100 signatures from any USA Dance voting member.
  • VP for Social Dance will require a minimum of 50 signatures from Social Dance voting members.
  • VP for DanceSport Ballroom Division will require a minimum of 50 signatures from Ballroom Division voting members.
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegates will require a minimum of 25 signatures from Professional or Amateur DanceSport Athlete Ballroom Division voting members.
  • DanceSport Breaking Athlete Delegates will require a minimum of 5 signatures from DanceSport Athlete Breaking Division voting members.

No later than June 30, 2024, the N&EC will review interested candidates’ submission of nomination materials and conduct interviews with each to confirm individual candidate’s eligibility.

No later than August 31, 2024, the ballot of all eligible Nominees will be published. If ALL positions are uncontested, an election by the membership will not be held. Instead, the Chair of the N&EC shall cast a single electoral vote in the affirmative for each position and the new officers shall take office on January 1, 2025.

November 1 through 10, 2024, are the dates of electronic voting for USA Dance 2024 National Elections if any positions are contested. Voting instructions will be provided to all voting members of USA Dance before the electronic voting commences.

On or about November 20, 2024, the N&EC will announce the Election Results to the membership.

January 1, 2025, is the date for those elected to begin their 4-year term of office.

Please see USA Dance Policy Governing Nationals Elections for required forms and additional details.

Thank you in advance to all interested candidates for your time, interest, and willingness to serve USA Dance.

If you have any general questions or concerns related to the election process, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at


Mike Lynch

Chairperson, Nominations & Elections Committee (National Elections Director)

USA Dance, Inc.

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