August 1, 2024
Dear Member:
The USA Dance 2024 National Elections will be held November 1 through 10, 2024. The Nominations & Elections Committee (N&EC) is pleased to present the following Ballot of candidates (listed in alphabetical order where contested and incumbents (I) designated where applicable).
- President
- Chuck Garrett
- Aleh Kulyba
- Ken Richards (I)
- Secretary
- Lee Oswalt
- Vice President for Social Dance
- Ken Pandozzi (I)
- Vice President for DanceSport Ballroom Division
- Daphna Locker (I)
- DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 1 – Senior gender identify as male or non-binary
- Daniel O’Connell
- DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 3 – Adult gender identify as male or non-binary
- Donovan Kirrane
The following five positions had no applicants:
- DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 2 – Adult gender identify as female or non-binary
- DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 4 – Adult gender identify as female or non-binary
- DanceSport Breaking Delegate 1 – Bboy
- DanceSport Breaking Delegate 2 – Bboy
- DanceSport Breaking Delegate 3 – Bgirl
Of note, each candidate submitted their National Candidate Confirmation Form, Nomination by Petition Form(s) with signatures, Photo, Resume, and Statement of reasons for running for election, in a timely manner. All were interviewed and subsequently approved by the N&EC for placement on the ballot. All were reviewed by the Ethics & Judicial Committee (E&JC) and found to have no conflicts of interest or other matters under E&JC purview.
Please see the USA Dance National Elections Landing Page for the Photos, Statements, and Resumes of the eight qualified candidates on the Ballot.
To provide the candidates an interactive opportunity to engage with the USA Dance membership, effective September 1 to October 27, all candidates are allowed to make one (1) campaign-related post per week to USA DANCE, Inc. – Member Forum, https://www.facebook.com/groups/usadanceinc. Candidates may also reply to questions or comments in response to their one weekly post. Candidates are required to abide by the provisions within USA Dance Policy Governing National Elections of September 1, 2023, USA Dance Code of Ethics and Conduct Policy of January 1, 2023, and the Group rules established by the administrators of USA DANCE, Inc. – Member Forum.
November 1 through 10, 2024, are the dates of electronic voting for USA Dance 2024 National Elections. Voting instructions will be provided to all voting members of USA Dance before the electronic voting commences.
By November 20, 2024, the N&EC will announce the Election Results to the membership.
January 1, 2025, is the date for those elected to begin their 4-year term of office.
Thank you to these candidates for their time, interest, and willingness to serve USA Dance.
If you have any general questions or concerns related to the election process, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at nominationselections-chair@usadance.org.
Mike Lynch
Chairperson, Nominations & Elections Committee (National Elections Director)
USA Dance, Inc.