Another 60 Years!!

By Christine Trask
Staff Author
Photo by Christine Trask
What Will USA Dance Look Like in Another Sixty Years?

This year, USA Dance celebrates its 60th anniversary.  It is a great accomplishment that shows dancers volunteer their services freely to help maintain and grow USA Dance.  Why?  Dance is our answer to happiness.  It provides a way to express oneself freely, it gives good chemicals to the brain and spirit, and it connects us to people.  My recent visit to San Francisco, CA, made me wonder what USA Dance will look like in another sixty years.

Fearful and excited, my family and I hopped in a driverless Waymo car with my daughter and son-in-law in San Francisco, California.  A new white pearl Jaguar pulled up. We opened the door. “Welcome, Colin”, a computerized voice said.  Meditative music surrounded us, and we all felt relaxed.  Waymo cars use sensors, cameras, and software to perceive their environment and navigate.  They are perfect drivers.  Welcome to the future!

Change is coming around again.  Are you ready? Dance may one day turn viewers into participants through interactive technology.  The audience could, one day, influence the lighting, music, and movement of dancers in real-time.

Can we continue to build a great future for USA dance?  I believe we can!  As our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln said, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Let’s create a future for USA dance that keeps us united despite our differences.  Let’s preserve our history and grow!

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