April 3 Deadline for Candidate Submissions

By Mike Lynch
Staff Author
USA Dance November 2024 National Elections

April 3, 2024, is the deadline for interested candidates to submit an electronic copy of their National Candidate Confirmation Form, indicating the USA Dance position being sought. This must include their Term of Office Acknowledgement and the candidate signature portion of the Nomination By Petition Form. These forms should be sent to Mike Lynch, National Elections Director, nominationselections-chair@usadance.org.

Please see USA Dance Policy Governing Nationals Elections for required forms (beginning on page 7) and other additional details. 

The National Officer or DanceSport Delegate positions open for election are:

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Vice President for Social Dance
  • Vice President for DanceSport Ballroom Division
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 1 – Senior gender identify as male or non-binary
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 2 – Adult gender identify as female or non-binary
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 3 – Adult gender identify as male or non-binary
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 4 – Adult gender identify as female or non-binary
  • DanceSport Breaking Delegates1 – Bboy
  • DanceSport Breaking Delegate 2 – Bboy
  • DanceSport Breaking Delegate 3 – Bgirl

Thank you in advance to all interested candidates for your time, interest, and willingness to serve USA Dance.

If you have any general questions or concerns related to the election process, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at nominationselections-chair@usadance.org.

Mike Lynch
Chairperson, Nominations & Elections Committee (National Elections Director)
USA Dance, Inc.


Do you want a fun way to learn more about the upcoming USA Dance Nominations and Elections process?  Catch the Dancing Housewife’s Podcast with Chairperson Mike Lynch.  Dancing Housewife Antoinette Datoc covered a lot of great information with Mike, and it’s all in one place!  It doesn’t get any easier!!


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