"Jerry and Sue Bonmer were amazing tireless supporters of the Amateur dance community, serving as the Membership Directors and part of the Governing Council of USA Dance for untold number of years," said President Ken Richards. "Rest in peace."

Farewell to Longest-Serving Dance Governing Council Member and Tireless Supporters

By Sandra Fortuna with Lydia Scardina
Contributing Author
Artwork by Sandra Fortuna
Remembering USA Dancers Jerry and Sue Bonmer
Gerald Joseph “Jerry” Bonmer, formerly of Southampton, Pennsylvania, passed away on Tuesday May 16, 2023.  He was 87. Jerry is preceded in death by his beloved wife, Florence (“Sue”) Mary Bonmer. Jerry Bonmer was a USA Dance 2016 Lifetime Member Honoree.  Together they danced, competed, laughed, loved, and supported. 
A few words from USA Dance Member and Adjudicator Sandra Fortuna:
As a couple, Andy and my best friends were Jerry and Sue Bonmer. We did so many things together and went so many places and had so many laughs and so much fun….The photo in the center is Jerry and me doing Tango at La Classique. The picture hung on my refrigerator in a place of honor until just recently, when I made room for the grandchildren’s photos.
Ballroom dancing was something very special that the Bonmers chose to do together. They met some special people, who also loved the glamor and sport of dancing. They were very important to me, my husband and our children. For decades everything in my life that was important and that took special care — like running the Philadelphia Festival, working out the decorations, the entries, the registrations, taking Brian to Disney for the first time, enjoying our great big Italian Feast of the Fishes every Christmas Eve, having our huge backyard BBQ/ pool parties after the summer Cherry Hill competitions, making costumes for us and formation teams, having the studio showcases, competing at the USBC… family fun and dancing and traveling were the things we loved to do and we did pretty much all of it together.
Jerry and Sue – I couldn’t have lived as good and as fun a life in my world without you there for all the best and important parts. I loved you. I will always love the memories.

Republished from May-July 2016 American Dancer – Article By Lydia Scardina, Past President, USA Dance, Inc.:

Jerry Bonmer, USA Dance’s longest-serving member of the Governing Council, retired from his position as Membership Director on July 31, 2014 after 35 years of service.  When Jerry and his wife, Sue, joined USA Dance (then USABDA), there were fewer than 100 members in the organization. During his tenure, Jerry saw the organization grow from that small number to 16,000+ members.  (Jerry also served as National Treasurer in the 1980s.)

I had the pleasure of sitting next to Jerry at the General Council meetings for many years.  Jerry was never shy about speaking his mind on any issue before the General Council.  There was never anyone better than Jerry at turning around the direction of a meeting that had headed off course.  He made sure that the General Council concentrated on the most important thing, which was keeping the interests of the membership front and center in any discussion.  

Jerry knew the importance of good service to the members, because he and Sue had also competed for many years in Adult and Senior Latin, achieving well-earned Championship status in that discipline.  He understood what members expected from USA Dance, and never failed to deliver.

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