A Bit Hard To “DIGEST”

By Rose-Ann Lynch – COMMENTARY
Managing Editor
Photos Courtesy of Rose-Ann Lynch
Social or Competitive? How about just Members?

The other day, I was told emphatically that USA Dance social dancers are not interested in what USA Dance competitors are doing.  It was emphasized that social dancers not only don’t want to read about competitions, they also want their own monthly USA Dance Digest.

As the Managing Editor of American Dancer, I try to be open-minded.  It is important to spread the word while keeping the publication interesting, positive, relevant, and entertaining.  In general, I love what I do but, like all volunteer work, it is a labor of love. 

Are you reading American Dancer? You should!

As a primary communication tool for USA Dance, American Dancer falls under the Marketing and Communications (M&C) Team, which is responsible for keeping the entire USA membership informed. Sounds easy, doesn’t it?  But in this day of multi-communication methods, it is hard to figure out the best way to do that.  The M&C Team consists of only four volunteers:  Ruslan Wilder – our fearless leader; Myra Coffield – our multi-talented and tireless webmaster; Daniel O’Connell – our over-stretched jack and master of all trades; and me – I hold my own with contributions from Photographers Carson Zullinger, Patt Panzer, Lee Penatzer, and Eamonn Knights; fashionista Julie Wilson and her team at Encore Ballroom Couture; writer Chris Trask; and commentator Tom Hufnagel.

(Note: Meet your M&C Team – Below)

So, what does it take to put out a Digest?  Topics come out of meetings and emails, so the M&C Team members attend many high-level organizational meetings and read a lot of emails.  Then, products are required – sometimes we must interpret what others have written, and sometimes we draft from scratch.  We go through a review process to ensure everything is correct, make final edits, choose photos, lay it out, and publish that word in American Dancer and anywhere else it might need to go. Then we check for updates, bulletize and prioritize the topics, lay them out in the Digest, and send them to the Senior Vice President for final review.  Once everything is approved, we get the updated members’ email list and send out the completed Digest around the 15th of each month.  It’s a lot of work, but it is important to keep our members informed.

I could make this piece an appeal for more volunteers…We Need Volunteers, but that’s not where I am going.  I just find it hard to believe that the social dancers are not interested in the competitive side of the organization.  Why has leadership been told that is the case?  I’ve never heard a competitive athlete say they aren’t interested in what the social dancers are doing.  Is it true? 

Like many competitive dancers, I am also a social dancer.  I started out as a social dancer and still love it.  My favorite thing to do on a Saturday night is to head to the local studio – Strictly Ballroom in Fredericksburg, Virginia – for a fun evening of dancing with anyone who asks me.   I love taking the associated classes  (beginner or intermediate) and dancing with dancers of all levels.  When I’m not dancing, I’m watching the floor, or talking with friends.  It’s always fun and interesting.

How can you not love this? Mike & Rose-Ann, Halloween at Strictly Ballroom Dance Studio, Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Likewise, my husband Mike and I, as 23-time National Champions, have often performed showcases at senior centers, charity and local community events (Check out this event by Shenandoah Chapter #6022 – they raised $188,361 for a local day care), and USA Dance social events.  We enjoy these and keep getting invited, so they are probably well-received.  We aren’t the only ones.  Other competitive dancers teach lessons at USA Dance social events and even head their USA Dance Chapters.

And how can you not love this also? Mike & Rose-Ann at 2022 German Open. Photo by Rob Ronda.

So, social dancers, what do you need and what are you getting that you don’t want?  We just revamped the Digest and have it coming out once a month.  Would you prefer it every other month?  I get it…no one likes to be spammed by emails.  Content-wise, is it true that none of the social dancers want to know about upcoming competitions?  What about those who support competitions?  Also, isn’t it interesting to know how your country’s representatives are doing at the World level?  Isn’t that why we were all watching the Olympics?  It might not be interesting to hear about competition rule changes and proficiency systems, but the competitive dancers don’t like those either.  For this reason, we are doing our best to succinctly summarize all Digest items and then redirect the readers to needed information.

Mike and I loved dancing for a Shenandoah Valley #6022 event that raised $188,361 for a local daycare!

Perhaps dancers wish to read more about other chapters, the health benefits of ballroom, social dance music, or how couples met on the ballroom floor.  That, however, requires input.  Please note that there is not a registered social dancer on the M&C Team…I’ll say it again, We Need Volunteers!! And yes, I went there.  But more importantly, very few social chapters send in stories and photos about their events and chapters.  I was asked why the Tri-Cities Chapter #6060 recently seems to get extra play in American Dancer.  It’s because they send me their well-written newsletter and provide me the opportunity to publish their happenings.  I’m happy to do it.  For the rest…It is difficult to create something from nothing.

So here is the challenge to the entire USA Dance Membership.  1.  If you have some extra time, join the M&C team.  We are a likable bunch that generally meets twice a month.  2.  If you hold or attend a USA Dance event, take photos, write a little story, and send it in.  3.  If you have a dance-related interest, skill, or opinion, write about it, and send it in.  4.  If you don’t like one or two topics in the Digest, please just skip over those, but recognize that someone spent their time putting the document together to keep you informed.  5.  Vote in the next USA Dance Election in November and let your voice be heard.

Here is my email address — americandancer@usadance.org — for your stories, commentaries, and articles.  Please send Word docs (not PDFs) with separate jpeg photos (not embedded in the Word doc).  Let me know who is in the photo and who took it.  Give me the date and place of your event and include your chapter name and number.  Videos don’t often work, but I will try.

Remember, USA Dance is a non-profit charity organization, whose mission is “to improve the quality and quantity of dance in the United States.”  We all joined this multifaceted organization and many may only have a single-faceted interest.  But together, we are magnificent!  If this was the Red Cross, United Way, St. Jude, Salvation Army, or Wounded Warriors, we would be talking about how best to support those in need.  Like those non-profits, this organization needs its members’ help, and the first step is to change perspective and try looking outwardly.  It’s not fun to dance alone!

Support each other and those who are trying to improve and grow the organization.  Why not take pride in sending a United States representative to the Olympics or a World Championship?  Why not support a scholarship so a young person might learn to dance?  Why not host a social dance or volunteer to help at one?  Why not contribute a story?  Be part of the solution.  “Are you reading American Dancer?  You Should!” Also, read the Digest, stay in the know, and BE INTERESTED.  We all have one thing in common…the love of Dance!  

We all joined this multifaceted organization, and many may only have a single-faceted interest.  But together, we are magnificent!  Mike & Rose-Ann at the Dancing Classroom’s Butterfly Ball in Richmond, Virginia.

Meet the Marketing and Communications Team:

Ruslan Wilder – our fearless leader.

Ballroom 10-Dance Champion, Ballroom Adjudicator and Coach, Professional Emcee, Certified WDSF DJ, and Head of the Marketing and Communications Committee — Busy Guy! — Ruslan Wilder!


Myra Coffield – our multi-talented and tireless webmaster

Myra Coffield pauses during the 2023 Nationals to take a fun photo. Myra was the 2022 USA Dance Volunteer of the Year!  You would be surprised to know how much she does and how many websites she supports.


Daniel O’Connell – our over-stretched jack and master of all trades

IT genius with way too many hats and meetings — Daniel O’Connell (pictured with Rosemary O’Connell at the 2024 Nationals).  Photo by Patt Panzer.


Rose-Ann Lynch – Managing Editor of American Dancer – a labor of love!

Rose-Ann with Mike Lynch.  Writer, editor, layout designer, publisher, cover creator, and more.  I do it because I love to dance!  Photo by Eamonn Knights.

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