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Membership Data Update Required

By Nominations & Elections Committee
Contributing Author
Photos courtesy of the Candidates
USA Dance National Elections November 2024

Dear Member:

Update Your Membership Data to Vote in USA Dance 2024 National Elections

The USA Dance 2024 National Elections is delayed two weeks and will be conducted electronically, November 15-24, 2024. To ensure your opportunity to vote, each member must have an individual (personal) email address associated with their current membership registration. The Nominations & Elections Committee (N&EC), in conjunction with Membership Services, requests all members to review and validate their individual USA Dance membership accounts and, as necessary, update membership contact information with an individual (personal) email address. The election start date is delayed two weeks to provide more time for members to be made aware of the requirement to review and update their membership accounts and contact information.

Electronic Voting November 15-24, 2024

USA Dance continues to conduct electronic voting because it offers significant cost and time savings over mail-in ballots. Voting instructions will be provided to all USA Dance voting members with a valid individual (personal) email, before the electronic voting commences. Electronic ballots will be sent, and voting will occur November 15-24, 2024. Members who share an individual (personal) email address, typically within the same household or partnership, will each receive an e-ballot unique to their membership number and first and last name. At the conclusion of the electronic voting, the contracted election service, Simply Voting Inc., will provide the certified election report to the N&EC.  Upon receipt and review of the certified election report, the N&EC will announce the Election Results to the membership. January 1, 2025, is the date for those elected to begin their 4-year term of office. 

Required Action for District Directors, Chapter Presidents, Registered Studio Owners, and Collegiate Club Coaches and Presidents

Members with a default email address:, Chapter group email address, Studio or Collegiate group email address do not receive emails from USA Dance and will not receive an e-Ballot. Those members need to be notified of this requirement.

District Directors, Chapter Presidents, Studio Owners, and Collegiate Club Coaches and Presidents are asked to contact their members to reinforce the necessity of updating individual member accounts and establishing individual (personal) emails. Local outreach efforts by Chapter Presidents, Studio owners, and Collegiate Club Coaches and Presidents are especially important for those members with a default email address, Chapter group email address, Studio, or Collegiate group email address, or no email address. Please note this also affects members who have changed their email address since joining.

Reviewing and Updating Membership Accounts and Contact Information

All members are asked to access, review, and update their membership accounts and contact information, by November 1, 2024. Specifically, if you do not have a current individual (personal) email associated with this account, please establish one. This whole process will require less than 10 minutes. For assistance, a series of “how-to” screen captures is provided at the end of this announcement.

If you have any questions, concerns, or difficulties updating membership contact information, please do not hesitate to contact Todd Kirrane directly at

If you have any general questions or concerns about the election process, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Lynch directly at

Meet your candidates at the USA Dance National Elections Landing Page – –

Your voice is important to USA Dance. Please vote November 15-24, 2024.


Mike Lynch

Chairperson, Nominations & Elections Committee (National Elections Director)

USA Dance, Inc.


Todd Kirrane

Todd Kirrane

(acting) Director of Membership

USA Dance, Inc.


How to update your membership data to vote in the USA Dance 2024 National Election

Step 1: Log into your USA Dance account:

If you do not recall your password, you can reset it using your email address or username here: NOTE: If multiple accounts are associated with a single email address, you must use your username, not email address, to reset the password.

Step 2: In the upper right-hand corner, click the small downward triangle following your name, then click on the Account + Settings dropdown.

Step 3: Under Account information, ensure that we have the appropriate individual (personal) email address on file for you.


Step 4: Scroll to the very bottom of the page and click “Save Changes”

Meet the Candidates for President of USA Dance

Chuck Garrett

Chuck Garrett’s Statement

Running for President of USA Dance: A Passionate Commitment

As a devoted dancer and advocate for the art of ballroom dance, I am excited to express my intention to run for the office of President of USA Dance. Allow me to share my rationale for seeking this esteemed position.

Guiding Principles

My core belief is simple yet profound: treat everyone equally. USA Dance, with its vibrant community of dancers, embodies the spirit of inclusivity. I am committed to ensuring that every member, from beginners to seasoned competitors, experiences the full richness that USA Dance has to offer.

A Selfless Journey

Let me be clear: I have no financial interest in any dance entity. My sole motivation is to see USA Dance thrive. Here’s why:

1. Late Bloomer, Lifelong Passion: I discovered ballroom dance at the ripe age of 60. Participating as a “celebrity” in a local “Dancing With the Stars” fundraiser ignited my love for this art form. Our efforts raised over $250,000 for the Boys and Girls Clubs of North Mississippi, marking the beginning of my dance journey.

2. USA Dance: My Home: In 2016, I joined USA Dance. Despite not scoring particularly well at the Kansas City Dance Classic, I relished the camaraderie and the thrill of competition. Talented dancers reached out, making me feel welcomed. Within USA Dance, I found a home.

3. Giving Back: Currently, I serve on the Board of USA Dance Chapter 2012 in Memphis, TN. Alongside my partner, Lee Oswalt, we teach free dance lessons before our monthly dances. Giving back to the community is our way of nurturing the dance spirit. With your help, we will develop a comprehensive plan to support the growth of our chapters.

Championing Change

In 2022, the USA Dance Board of Directors entrusted me with a critical role: Senior Athlete Committee Chairman. Why did I seek this position?

  • Declining Numbers: Chapters, social members, and competitive participants were dwindling. A sense of malaise had settled among many of our members.

  • A Talented Team: I assembled a dedicated committee: Lee Oswalt, Ken Wellens, Kathy Linn, Christine Newman, Stuart Lucas, Barbara Greenwood, and Matt Wedin. Together, we have given the seniors a voice. I am committed to giving all of our members a voice, revitalizing USA Dance.
Our Charge

Our mission is clear: advocate for change. We aim to make USA Dance more responsive, dynamic, and engaging for all members. By fostering collaboration, celebrating diversity, and promoting excellence, we will elevate the dance experience.

I have experience managing and balancing multimillion dollar budgets. For the last three years, USA Dance has experienced a deficit. I will reverse that.

My leadership style is one of collaboration, empowerment, and transparency. Everyone is important! Everyone will have a voice in our success!

In conclusion, my candidacy for President of USA Dance is fueled by passion, integrity, and a deep love for dance. Let us waltz into a brighter future together!


Chuck Garrett

(Click here to see Chuck Garrett’s Resume.)

Aleh Kulyba

Aleh Kulyba’s Statement

As an avid enthusiast of ballroom dance and a dedicated member of the USA Dance community, I am excited to express my interest in contributing to the organization’s growth and success in the coming years. With a passion for dance and a vision for progress, I believe that my experience, ideas, and commitment can help elevate USA Dance to new heights.

Over the past years, I have witnessed the incredible impact that USA Dance has had on individuals and communities through its promotion of dance as an art form, a social activity, and a competitive sport. However, I also recognize that there is always room for improvement and innovation. In the next four years, I envision several key areas of improvement for USA Dance:

1. Social Dancing and Community Engagement:

Encouraging Inclusivity: Implement initiatives to make social dancing events more inclusive and welcoming to dancers of all backgrounds and skill levels.

Community Outreach: Strengthen community outreach programs to promote the benefits of dance and expand USA Dance’s reach to underserved communities.

2. Professional Sport and Competition:

Supporting Athletes: Provide increased support and resources for competitive dancers, including training programs, financial assistance, and mentorship opportunities.

Expanding Competition Opportunities: Partner with international organizations to host world-class competitions and showcase the talent and dedication of USA Dance athletes on a global stage.

3. Organizational Health and Governance:

Transparency and Accountability: Implement transparent governance practices and mechanisms for accountability to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of the organization. 

Member Engagement: Foster a culture of member engagement and participation through regular communication, feedback mechanisms, and opportunities for involvement in decision-making processes.

4. Financial Stability and Sustainability:

Diversifying Revenue Streams: Explore and develop new revenue streams, such as sponsorships, partnerships, and fundraising initiatives, to enhance financial stability and support organizational growth.

Efficient Resource Allocation: Develop strategic plans for resource allocation, budgeting, and financial management to maximize the impact of available resources and ensure long-term sustainability.

In addition to these specific areas of improvement, I am committed to promoting a culture of collaboration, innovation, and excellence within USA Dance. I believe that by working together, leveraging our collective strengths, and embracing new ideas and perspectives, we can overcome challenges and achieve remarkable success.

My background in Computer Science, Finance, Management and of course Ballroom Dance has equipped me with the skills, knowledge, and determination to contribute effectively to USA Dance’s mission and objectives. I am eager to bring my unique perspective, passion for dance, and dedication to continuous improvement to the organization.

In closing, I am excited about the opportunity to serve USA Dance and its members. Together, we can create a vibrant, inclusive, and thriving dance community that enriches the lives of individuals and contributes positively to the cultural landscape.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to USA Dance’s journey of growth and excellence.

Warm regards,

Aleh Kulyba

(Click here to see Aleh Kulyba’s resume)

Ken Richards

Ken Richards’ Statement

Dear Voting Members:

I am Ken Richards, the current President of USA Dance, and I am submitting myself for election for another term or service to the members of this organization.

I Have served in a number of positions over the past 34+ years with an extensive amount of institutional knowledge accumulated. Key to the position of the President is the ability to understand from experience, all aspects of our multifaceted organization. From Chapter officer, social dancer, studio operator, bookkeeping and audits, tax returns, insurance, bylaws, policies, fundraising, the national and international DanceSport scene for both athletes and officials – for Ballroom and Breaking. Further, the biggest role of the President is utilizing these skills to recruit, manage, and inspire volunteers in the correct roles and help them do their jobs of interest.

I was honored to be elected for the term beginning in 2020. I faced the immense challenge of rebuilding our organization from a pandemic and an already falling membership. In addition, USA Dance was challenged to develop a Breaking Division which required Bylaw compliance updates to fully integrate the one true Olympic Dance discipline into our organization, without taking anything away from the ballroom community.

On the DanceSport side, my vision to reintegrate the split of the Ballroom Professional and Amateur Councils into one cohesive group (again) has improved the focus and effectiveness of those dedicated volunteers.

While this was occurring, we also moved USA Dance’s administration away from the costly and inefficient association management organization and back toward an internally managed process, returning power to our Treasurer to better integrate chapter accounting systems.

The fundamental successes of what the Board of Directors has achieved under my leadership, can be specifically tied to my competence, experience, and ability to recruit a number of dedicated persons that were driven to see USA Dance come back and be a better organization. I can’t thank them enough.

I am most proud how I accomplished these things and a number of the goals from my previous candidate’s statement; but especially the reestablishing of transparency in our communication and providing understandable minutes and financial reporting documenting our work.

We are not done yet!

Here is a cursory list of the items identified last year that need more attention to be addressed by the Board of Directors over the next 4 years:

  • Fundraising
  • Support of Chapter officers with more of the dedicated zoom trainings that I started in 2024 with an emphasis on growing the member base.
  • Update the entire list of 56 policies and operating procedures by identifying what is outdated and how we need to conduct our business going forward.
  • Improve Education from our social dancers to our highest-level athletes.

Thank you for considering me as your President for an additional term. I welcome your questions and look forward to your support.

(Click here to see Ken Richards’ Resume)

The 2024 National Elections Ballot also includes the following positions and candidates:

  • Secretary
    • Lee Oswalt
  • Vice President for Social Dance
    • Ken Pandozzi 
  • Vice President for DanceSport Ballroom Division
    • Daphna Locker 
  • DanceSport Ballroom Athlete Delegate 1
    • Daniel O’Connell


Those elected will begin their four-year term of office on January 1, 2025.

Thank you to all the candidates for their time, interest, and willingness to serve USA Dance.

Don’t forget to VOTE!!

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