Money Matters Chapter Power Hour

Money Matters

By Joe Dancer
Contributing Author
Second Chapter Power Hour with Treasurer Esther Freeman

The Social Dance Council is excited to announce the second Chapter Power Hour will focus on Money Matters with Treasurer Esther Freeman and Assistant Treasurer Karen Chaleki. These peer learning opportunities provide current and future chapter leaders with opportunities to share lessons learned by your chapter on what works and doesn’t work because our organization only becomes stronger when we all work together.

Money Matters: Chapter Finances

Saturday, March 2nd

2pm EST

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 846 6342 0571

Passcode: 111111

The agenda is as follows:

Greetings by National Treasurer, Esther Freeman

  1. Meet your new Social Dance VP and welcome your Membership Director
  2. The importance of reporting accurate and timely chapter board information
  3. The importance of readable membership forms that accompany mailed checks
  4. Why report the lesser amounts paid to service providers when the IRS requires $600 minimum
  5. What is the benefit to the chapter to get a W-9 every year from all service providers? 
  6. Why must I report 1099 information to National prior to January 30th and what about 1099s for rent and attorneys (as required by IRS)?
  7. Where do we stand on state registrations and grants?
  8. Use the memo line on the checks and save everyone time.
  9. How NOT to deal with cash from dances
  10. When can we expect the Membership rebate checks?
  11. Who benefits from the new QBO program for chapter finances? 
  12. How important is it to have the corporate treasurer on chapter bank accounts?

This is your meeting so any questions you may have please send them to

Karen,, by February 29th .

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