Greater Daytona, Florida Chapter President Jean Krupa and Vice President Greg Marcum pose with their proclamation.

National Ballroom Dance Week Proclamations

By Joe Dancer
Photos courtesy of Lolita Brawner
Two USA Dance Chapters share their proclamation news. Find out how to promote dancing in your area.

USA Dance Social Vice President Lolita Brawner reported that two USA Dance Chapters shared the news of their official proclamations of National Ballroom Dance Week.  

Cape Coral-Fort Myers, Florida, Chapter members receive their proclamations at the Rhythm in Motion Dance Studio.

The first notification came from USA Dance  Chapter #6026 – Greater Daytona, Florida.  Chapter President Jean Krupa and Chapter Vice President Greg Marcum accepted the Proclamation.  

The new Cape Coral/Ft. Myers, Florida, Chapter received two proclamations from Mayor John Gunter.  Executive Board Members: President Amy Wyer, Vice President William Wymer, Secretary Carol Davis, and Treasurer Jennifer Brandon were on site to receive and read the honors.

Congratulations to these two USA Dance Chapters and thank you for your hard work and dedication to our lovely sport!

Did you miss National Ballroom Dance Week?  What can your chapter do next year?

If you have not already started planning, you will want to add this to your next board meeting agenda.

Most of the USA Dance chapters host special dances, beginner lesson programs and public demonstrations during National Ballroom Dance Week™.

Some chapters have successfully worked with local studios and instructors to schedule lessons and social dances every day of the week doing a marvelous job of bringing their ballroom community together to reach out and encourage more people to give ballroom a whirl.

Get your chapter members involved.  It is a wonderful way to share the fun of ballroom dance with current and potential dancers in your community.

There are many ways to bring ballroom dancing to the public during National Ballroom Dance Week. Ingenious organizers have conducted ballroom dance events in shopping malls, hotel lobbies, grocery stores, libraries, government facilities, recreation halls, churches, dance studios, college & high-school facilities, parking lots, state and local fairs, corporate facilities, town squares, senior homes, community buildings, hospitals – in short, every place the public is.  Try a ballroom flash mob!

Make contact with the Mayor and/or Governor for proclamations recognizing National Ballroom Dance Week. Invite them to attend some of the scheduled events. Set up an information table or booth, when appropriate, to share information about USA Dance and the local dance community. Educate people about the mission of USA Dance and let them know how they can become members and join the fun. Provide the events calendar and information about the purpose of National Ballroom Dance Week to local media and invite them to attend and report on the events. Submit a chapter press release and photos to the media for follow-up coverage.

Write a story about your USA Dance Chapter’s participation and send it in, with photos, to American Dancer at

Join the excitement – share the fun!

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