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Elections 2022

National Elections in November 2022

By Mike Lynch
Contributing Author
National Elections Announcement

The next USA Dance National Elections will be held November 1-10, 2022. Each position has a four-year term of service, from January 1, 2023 – December 31, 2026. An updated Policy Governing National Elections has been recommended by the Nominations & Elections Committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

Review the new policy at

The Board is in the process of amending the USA Dance bylaws and positions up for election to bring them into greater compliance with the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee template. As a result of those amendments, an election procedure schedule will be announced separately in the coming weeks. Until that announcement is made, if you have any general questions or concerns related to the election process, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Lynch, Chairperson, Nominations & Elections Committee (National Elections Director) directly at

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