New Vice President of Social Dance

By Joe Dancer
Contributing Author
Welcome Ken Pandozzi - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Welcome to USA Dance’s new Vice President of Social Dance Ken Pandozzi.

Ken was appointed by President Ken Richards and unanimously ratified by the Board of Directors. He has been active in USA Dance for close to 30 years beginning in Rhode Island and most recently as Chapter President of his local chapter in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Before becoming the VP of Social Dance he most recently served for several years as the District Director of District 5, helping chapters rebuild after the COVID pandemic.

Over the next year Ken hopes to work with our Chapter Relations Director, Phil Sisk, to reorganize the structure of the Social Dance Division to provide more coordination and support for local chapter leaders.

Please feel free to contact Ken at with your questions, concerns, ideas, and suggestions for how to improve Social Dancing in the United States.

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