Ken Richards -President USA Dance Inc.

President’s Message

By Ken Richards, USA Dance President
Contributing Author

by Ken Richards, President of USA Dance

Hello American Dancers.  

I will make an assumption – if you’re reading this publication, you LOVE dancing… watching it, studying it, practicing it, thinking about it, talking about it, sharing it with friends, and of course – doing it.  If you are wobbling with your partner in the kitchen while Sinatra plays in the background, taking a Zoom lesson, or drilling on the footwork of your competitive routines – you are a dancer.  If you know terms like slow-quick-quick, connection, CBMP, the different types of rise-n-fall in the waltz or, can spin on your head – you are a dancer.  And we are glad you are here.  We are all dancers dedicated to appreciating and supporting each other during this time and into the future.  And USA Dance is the right membership organization for you. 

Now a few important words from the “It Takes A Village” department… Each issue, I will remind everyone that USA Dance is more than the sum of its parts – but oh, those parts are extensive and sometimes complicated.  Bylaws, rulebooks, policies, insurance, financial audits, and chapter reports aren’t the most fun thing – but are necessary parts of a dancing community’s foundation.  When I see the rally of support for the shared vision of what we can become, I am reminded of some of my favorite lyrics from one of my favorite Hustle tunes… sing (or get up and dance) with me as we move forward and back to the dance floor:

Ain’t no stoppin’ us now
We’re on the move (The movin’, the groovin’)
Ain’t no stoppin’ us now (The movin’, yeah, yeah)
We’ve got the groove (The groovin’, movin’, movin’, movin’, move)
Ain’t no stoppin’ us now…
McFadden & Whitehead

Happy New Year!  See you on the Dance Floor!

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