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Proficiency Point System Update

By Daniel O’Connell and Lev Vesnovskiy
Photo by Carson Zullinger
DanceSport Athletes, your Classifications are now available. Find out where to look.

Proficiency Point System – Your Classifications Now Available

To continue the Proficiency Point System rollout, which will take effect after the 2025 Nationals, the Ballroom Eligibility Committee will be providing competitors with their proficiency classifications for the remainder of the 2024 –2025 season. These classifications will be updated after each competition so competitive dancers can see where the system “thinks” they are.  This will allow competitors to understand how points will be awarded throughout the year.

A summary of the proficiency system and how it works will be at the bottom of this article.

Some important points:

  • The system is for information only through the remainder of the 2024 – 2025 competitive season. Our hope is to familiarize dancers far in advance of implementation.
  • Starting after the 2025 Nationals, the system will be used only to prevent dancers from “dancing down.” This means that if dancers wish to jump into the highest categories, they will be free to do so. However, they won’t be able to dance in categories where their participation would not be fair to other dancers.
  • With item #2 in mind, the initial seeding is intentionally low. Again, the initial goal is to prevent dancers from “dancing down.” This is meant to be conservative.  So, if you are a Championship dancer and it does not put you in the highest category, don’t worry!  The system will place you there over time as you get results.
  • We encourage dancers to review your classifications. If you have feedback or see something out of place, e-mail your feedback to the chief architect of the Proficiency Points System, Lev Vesnovskiy, who can be reached at ballroom-eligibilitychair@usadance.org.   Both positive and negative feedback are appreciated throughout the rollout.
  • We will provide future articles breaking down parts of the system between now and the 2025 Nationals. If you have questions or topics you’d like included in an article, please send them to ballroom-eligibilitychair@usadance.org!

Here are some useful links to familiarize yourself with the system and your Proficiency Points:

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