Editor’s Note: Chuck Garrett and the Senior Committee continue to keep all of USA Dance informed and ensure the individual dancer’s voice is heard. American Dancer thanks Chuck and his team for making a difference!
The latest copy of the USA DanceDanceSport Ballroom Division Rulebook is available online.
For some time, the Senior Committee has requested a standard release date for the DanceSport Rulebook; preferably within a couple of weeks after the National Championships. The DanceSport Council Committee has decided to move in this direction. Therefore, we need your input earlier than usual.
Please offer any suggestions for rule changes. We will organize your feedback and possibly conduct a more formal survey at a later date.
Feedback and suggestions may be sent to Chuck Garrett, Senior Committee Chair: seniorathlete-chair@usadance.org
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Senior Committee
Chuck Garrett, Senior Committee Chair
Christine Newman
Kathy Linn
Ken Wellens
Lee Oswalt
Matt Wedin
Stuart Lucas

Meet Your Senior Committee Members!