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Senior Committee having fun: Senior Chair Chuck Garrett, Lee Oswalt, Matt Wedin, Christine Newman (kneeling), Stuart Lucas, Kathy Linn, and Ken Wellens.

Change to Senior V Category Requested

By Chuck Garrett and Lee Oswald
Staff Author
Photos courtesy of the Senior Committee
Senior Committee listens to Athletes and makes proposal.

Editor’s Note:  The Senior Committee continues to keep all of USA Dance informed and ensure the individual dancer’s voice is heard.  American Dancer thanks Chair Chuck Garrett and his committee for their hard work.


Hello Seniors,

Our new DanceSport season is upon us! Registration is open for these upcoming events.
1) June 7 – 9:  Florida Sunshine Dance Challenge, Tallahassee, Florida. 
3) June 29 – 30: Kansas City Dance Classic – Regional, Overland Park, Kansas.
The 2024 USA Dance Rulebook should be released very soon. 
In October of 2023 following your feedback, the Senior Committee offered a proposal on subsequent rulebook releases to the leadership: Effective January 1, 2024 the World DanceSport Federation rule for the Senior V age category became 70/70 — both partners must be a least 70 years of age.
[Editor’s Note: Currently Rule reads: “One partner must reach their 75th birthday or more in the calendar year and the other partner must reach their 70th birthday or more in the calendar year.”]
The DanceSport Ballroom Division Council (BAC) voted 12-0 to recommending the USA Dance Board of Directors (BoD) follow suit. To-date, no action as been taken by the BoD. 
With the new competition season upon us, the Senior Committee recognizes that organizers and competitors need closure on this subject. Hopefully, this will be rectified soon. 
Senior Committee,
Chuck Garrett, Senior Chair
Christine Newman
Kathy Linn
Ken Wellens
Lee Oswalt
Matt Wedin
Stuart Lucas

Meet Your Senior Committee Members!

Committee Chair Chuck Garrett and Member Lee Oswalt
Member Christine Newman with her partner Bryan Young
Member Kathy Linn with her partner John Linn
Member Ken Wellens with his partner Christy Wellens
Member Matt Wedin with his partner Tessa
Member Stuart Lucas with his partner Virginia

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