Thank you from the President-Elect

By Chuck Garrett
Contributing Author
Chuck Garrett prepares to step into his new role.

Dear USA Dance Members,

I want to begin by thanking you for your support, both during the election cycle and since I was elected president.  Your encouragement has meant a great deal to me, more than I could ever express.  I know that, together, we will continue to strengthen USA Dance.

As many of you know, I am currently experiencing some headwinds.  The process through the Ethics and Judicial Committee is arduous and very time-consuming.  However, I am optimistic that we will prevail and begin the business of revitalizing USA Dance. 

USA Dance is special!  It is a nonprofit organization run almost entirely by volunteers who have experienced the joy of dance.  Our members range in age from the very young to, shall I say, the very experienced.  

We dance and compete across the country and invite everyone to join us.  We invite them because we want to share the music, movement, and joy of dance, along with its social, physical, and mental benefits.  We love to dance, and that is important!  We must cherish and protect the spirit of USA Dance.

As we step into 2025 and a new administration, I invite all members to build relationships with your representatives – DanceSport Delegates, Chapter Presidents, District Directors, Team Leaders, Vice Presidents, and me.  If you have concerns or ideas for improvement, we want to hear them.

This organization is made up of talented volunteers and members from all walks of life.  Together, we can continue to grow dance in the USA Dance and across America.  

Thank you again!  I look forward to serving you.


Chuck Garrett

USA Dance President-Elect

Thank You, Members of the Senior-Athlete Committee


As part of my transition to president, I would be remiss if I did not thank the members of the Senior-Athlete Committee for their dedication and hard work for USA Dance. I believe we have made a difference for USA Dance. Each of you brought your talents to the effort to advocate for senior athletes. I genuinely appreciate all that you have done over the last 3 years or so.

Senior Committee members who served over the last three years are:  Barbara Greenwood, Christine Newman, Kathy Lynn, Ken Wellens, Lee Oswalt,  Matt Wedin, Stuart Lucas,

Thank you!



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