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Admin Corner

DSI London to provide an exclusive discount on their entire line of products.
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USA Dance Partners with DSI London

From shoes to clothing to technical books, DSI London is the World’s leading one-stop Dance Shop for all your dancing needs. USA Dance is proud

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President’s 2023 Message to USA Dance

Dear Members and Dancing Friends: While dressing for the New Year’s Dinner Dance, hosted by the Tidewater Chapter (more on that later), I had a

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President’s Message

by Ken Richards, President of USA Dance Hello American Dancers.   I will make an assumption – if you’re reading this publication, you LOVE dancing…

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Happy Holidays!

Welcome to 2023!!! See You on the Dance Floor!

Ron and Carol Magee
Admin Corner

USA Dance New Central Office

USA Dance is taking the floor with improvements.   We are excited to welcome Rebecca Kelley-Fournier as our new Central Office Manager. Talley Management is no