Elections 2022

Uncontested Election of National Officers and DanceSport Delegates

By Mike Lynch
Contributing Author
National Elections Update

For our November 2022 National Elections, we had five open positions and one qualified candidate for each of the five available positions. In effect, we were presented with an uncontested election, and our Policy Governing National Elections (Article IV.A.8.) https://usadance.org/page/Policies allowed USA Dance to fill these positions without amembership-wide election. Accordingly, the Chairperson, Nominations & Elections Committee provided official notice to the USA Dance Executive Committee on September 7, 2022, for each qualified candidate to be elected as a National Officer or DanceSport Delegate. They are listed below.

  • Senior Vice President: Todd Kirrane
  • Treasurer: Esther Freeman
  • Ballroom DanceSport Delegate 5: Alessandro Scalora
  • Ballroom DanceSport Delegate 6: Lena Dudko
  • Ballroom DanceSport Delegate 7: Amelia Wills

Read the full announcement.

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