WDSF Calls for Elections

Athletes' Commission calls for elections for the Professional Division representative during the 2025 WDSF DanceSport Festival in Blackpool.

The World DanceSport Federation Athletes’ Commission (AC) hereby announces a call for elections for the Professional Division (PD) representative.

The WDSF Athletes’ Commission is a permanent commission of the WDSF Presidium that consists of athletes who are elected solely by other WDSF athletes. The AC represents the interests of the athletes, advises the Presidium on matters that are relevant to the athletes, and works to improve the communication between the Presidium and the athletes

Professional DanceSport (“PD”) Representative:

All active PD athletes from all over the world and 18 years of age or over (at the time of the elections) may now volunteer or be nominated as candidates.

Any active athlete of the PD may submit his or her candidacy together with a resume and reasons or statement for candidacy to the following e-mail address by 25 February 2025, 18:00 CET: athletes@wdsf.org.

Election Process:

Following your submission to the AC, each candidate will need to be approved and after approval will be added to the list as an eligible candidate.

The list of eligible candidates will be published on the WDSF website no later than one (1) month prior to the first day of voting. 

We will be conducting a physical election at the 2025 WDSF DanceSport Festival in Blackpool on 11-13 April  2025. 

We look forward to receiving your nominations and to welcoming new representatives who will advocate for and support the interests of WDSF athletes. 

Many thanks,
The Chair of the Athletes’ Commission
Anastasia Glazunova

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