Editor’s Note: Chuck Garrett and the Senior Committee continue to keep all of USA Dance informed and ensure the individual dancer’s voice is heard. American Dancer thanks Chuck and his team for making a difference!
Hello Seniors!
Recently, at her invitation, the Senior Committee met with Daphna Locker, Vice President for the DanceSport Division (BAC) of USA Dance. A week later, President Ken Richards also met with the Senior Committee, spending about an hour with us.
Both meetings provided opportunities for committee members and the leadership to share opinions and information on a wide range of topics, including:
- Required lifts for show dance. (Daphna) – [Editor’s Note: The new rule proposal would require lifts in all competitive show dances, including one overhead lift.]
- The very important upcoming WDSF Annual General Meeting (Ken) – [Editor’s Note: The 2024 WDSF Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Sunday, October 27, 2024, in Warsaw, Poland.]
- Scheduling and budget at Nationals. (Daphna)
- Possible differences in judging, especially within the World DanceSport Federation (WDSF) and the World Dance Organisation (WDO). (Daphna, Ken)
The discussions were informative and at times, passionate. All in all, I think the time spent together helped us view many of the issues from a broadened perspective.
Seniors have supported the Senior Committee’s efforts to provide greater input to both the BAC and the Board of Directors. They did this by making us aware of their concerns and questions. Seniors completed surveys, providing comments about many of the issues over the last few years. Senior input facilitated better advocacy by the Senior Committee.
The leadership is listening. Our meetings over the last few weeks are evidence of that. The Senior Committee would like to offer our appreciation to both Ken and Daphna for meeting with us.

The Senior Committee will continue to focus on growing and supporting our seniors and the greater USA Dance community. If you have questions or concerns, contact Senior Committee Chair Chuck Garrett at: ballroom-seniorathletechair@usadance.org.
Please make sure you read the new rules for qualifying posted in American Dancer by clicking here: https://americandancer.org/qualification-rules/. Are you reading American Dancer? You should! American Dancer, the official publication of USA Dance, Inc., can be found online at https://AmericanDancerOnline.org.
Senior Committee:
Chuck Garrett, Chair
Christine Newman
Kathy Linn
Ken Wellens
Lee Oswalt
Matt Wedin
Stuart Lucas
Meet Your Senior Committee Members!