Friday Night Social at Nationals 2022
The Friday Night Social Dance at the 2022 USA Dance National Ballroom DanceSport Championships, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1-3 drew an energetic crowd.

Social Dancing at 2022 Nationals – Welcome to Pittsburgh!

By Lolita Brawner, CMP, QAS, CQIA; Social Dance Vice President
Contributing Author
Photos by Carson Zullinger
Social Dance is alive and well!

Social Dancers and Chapters from across the country had a very big presence at the 2022 USA Dance National Ballroom DanceSport Championships, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 1-3.  Even Chapters that were not in attendance were supporting USA Dance by sponsoring competition heats.  

Please join me in thanking the following Chapters that contributed at sponsorship levels: 

  • Gold Level ($1,500) – Los Angeles County 
  • Bronze Level ($500) – MASSabda (Eastern Massachusetts), Central Oklahoma, and Orlando “in honor of our Ukrainian dancers” 
  • Other ($10-$499) – Honolulu, Pittsburgh, Richmond, and Tallahassee

Pittsburgh Chapter President Jane Downing and the many volunteers hosted a fun and energetic social dance, Friday evening.  When DJ John Siefken started the music, everybody was on the dance floor enjoying awesome dance tunes. 

The collegiate dancers added a lot of fun to the evening social.
The collegiate dancers added a lot of fun to the evening social.

Jimmy Page, another volunteer brought to the floor a group of collegiate dancers, and we all participated in a fun mixer.  If you have a collegiate group in your chapter, take time to get to know them better.  We should be encouraging all collegiate dancers to attend our social dances as they are the future of social dance.

Many thanks to the 53 volunteers from the Pittsburgh Chapter who worked tirelessly before, during, and after the three-day USA Dance National Ballroom DanceSport Championships.

If you are traveling in or around the Pittsburgh area, make sure to schedule your next social dance destination with the Pittsburgh Chapter #3007.  Follow them on Facebook and don’t forget to check out their website:

Social dancing is on the move… get involved at your local Chapter!

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